You Were Born Worthy!

You were born worthy! Our identity & where we are in the pecking order is the hardest thing to release! We must stop judging, comparing & striving for worth. Check out the video here
Check out this article I was interviewed for Auspreneur

Angry People have Deep Trauma

There’s a man who walks the streets in my neighbourhood that expresses anger all day. I am not sure where he gets all the energy to be angry all the time, but I feel so much empathy for him. What a torturous existence. In this video we discuss: – Anger is the emotion that protects […]
Why is Spirituality Good for Business?

Why is spirituality good for business? The clearer we are on who we are & why we are here, the more aligned we are with our values. The more aligned we are with our values, the more we show up with Authenticity and Integrity. The more Authentic we are and the more we act for […]
Showing up as the REAL me to help you show up as the REAL you

Authenticity is a common word that has been thrown around a lot, but what does it really mean? How can we courageously show up as ourselves without fear of judgment? Why is this important more than ever? Check out the video here.
How do we find our purpose?

How do we find our purpose? In Episode 2 of ‘ Soul Sisters Get Real’, Caryn & Eleni talk about how they found their purpose and the 4 steps to find yours. We are all here for one reason – to raise the level of consciousness on the planet. We all have different expressions of […]
Open your Heart to the Angry! ????

As we head towards the Christmas break, people are stressed and overwhelmed with people-pleasing activities. This leads to anger and frustration. Rather than putting up our walls to people who project anger onto us – self-mastery is about opening our hearts instead. Check out my latest YouTube, in which I talk about this technique in […]
The Abundant Universe

We live in an Abundant Universe yet we are still striving for more. When is what we have enough? How many assets do we need to accumulate to be happy? What’s the magical number in our savings account that will fulfill us? Here’s the thing, most people, as soon as they achieve their goals, don’t […]
We are not alone. We all have a Family of Light

We all have a family of light that is by our side cheering us on. Imagine if we all knew that. When our angels make their presence felt, they send feathers, they give you goosebumps, and they show you double digits. These are just a few examples of the infinite ways they make their presence […]
Channeling with Ameed: What will 2023 bring? ????

In this episode of Extraordinary Conversations, we bring in the wisdom of a Higher Dimensional Being called Ameed. Marcus Bird has been channeling Ameed for the last 25 years. Ameed discussed these topics from a higher perspective: – The Expanded Awareness Consciousness of 2023 and how to step into it – The impact of working […]